5 Tips Towards A Heal thier Heart


Heart is a hollow, muscular organ in the thorax between the lungs. The human heart is about 1 foot long and weights up to 10 lbs which beats around 100,000 times a day or 35 million times a year or at least 2.5 billion times during an average lifespan of 70 years.

The blood is circulated through all parts of our bodies by this powerful pump called heart. Cleaned and freshened oxygenated with nutrients blood enter into our organs and muscles giving them enough energy for work. If any problem occurs to this important organ, it cannot be healed only replaced either by transplantation or by artificial mechanism. Healthy life style will keep you away from these problems but still if you are facing some serious illness then you should have to take some precautions.

Today we are going to talk about 5 simple reasons suggested by the Best Heart Specialist in Delhi which can help you in keeping your heart healthy. If you wish a long and happy life for yourself then try these ways to keep your heart happy and fit. Looking for more? Read below:

1- Beat stress!

Stress is the one of the main causes of various serious diseases including heart attack, diabetes etc. But if you have interest in sports or dance or any other form of physical activities then there is no reason to worry because it will not only reduce stress but also boost up health with 7 times better results than the treatment with sleeping pills. So, what are you waiting for join any club related to sports/dance/yoga etc and keep yourself fit and happy?

2- Eat Healthy:

If we talk about food then our mother is always right that you should eat more vegetables and fruits because they prevent heart attack, hypertension etc. Another important feature of healthy food is that they increase vitamin C levels in the body which is very effective in preventing stroke. Vegetables like carrots (beta-carotene), beetroot (, pumpkin provide essential vitamin A for eyes, skin and immunity as well as reduce cholesterol level. Fruits like oranges (vitamin c), apples (quercetin),grapes resveratrol) and bananas (potassium) regulate blood pressure and keep us active all day long. Fruits like blackberries, cranberries,raspberries, blueberries and strawberries provide more antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and heart healthy properties. Oatmeal (fibre), barley (beta glucan) and rye (lignans) help in reducing cholesterol levels.

3- Keep your weight under control:

This is another vital reason to keep your heart healthy by maintaining the right body mass index (BMI). You can calculate BMI by dividing your weight in kilogram by square of height in meters. If you find this value between 18-25 then you are absolutely fit but it doesn't mean that we should not maintain a healthy lifestyle because obesity which is considered as main cause of heart diseases also increases blood pressure, diabetes, kidney problems etc so try to stay away from junk food. It will also decrease estrogenic hormone which is responsible for heart diseases.

4- Quit smoking:

It is a well-known fact that smoking not only causes lung cancer but also leads to cardiovascular problems. According to a study that was conducted by CDC (Centre of disease control) it shows that if one quits smoking early then his cardiac risk will reduce by 50% and the more you quit before 40, the healthier you'll be. So don't wait just go for it and save yourself from lot of future illnesses.

5- Decrease cholesterol level:

This is another important reason for keeping your heart healthy because high levels of low-densitylipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol put you at a greater risk of having a heart attack. You can lower LDL by exercising, consuming healthy fat like Omega-3(salmon) and Omega-6 (soybeans) added in diet, consume low sugar foods. Along with this you should also stop consumption of alcohol because it can increase LDL level in blood by 10 times.

So don't wait just go for these 5 simples suggested by the Best Heart Specialist in Delhi ways to keep your heart healthy and live a long and happy life.

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