5 Advantages Of Keeping Heart Healthy


The Best Cardiologist in Delhi says people generally know that they must watch their diet and exercise frequently in order to remain healthy. What most do not realize is that the heart plays a vital role in being able to live a long, happy, and healthy life. If you have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease or have had a heart attack then it is especially important for you to follow a strict program of medications and lifestyle changes. You may be one of the lucky few who can correct some problems with lifestyle changes alone; if so, congratulations! However, it is more common for people requiring medication after such events as described above. The purpose of this article is to identify major advantages of keeping your "heart healthy."


Heart disease can not only cause a heart attack but also a stroke. Both of these events are life threatening and commonly result in death. However, if you have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease or had a heart attack then the chances that you will live longer than those without such conditions is very high. In fact, many studies indicate that by simply recognizing early signs and symptoms of cardiac problems one may increase their chance of living another 10 years by as much as 50%. So how does this work? It begins with your lifestyle choices; however, genetics plays an important part too (see 5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk).


Despite all of the medical advances doctors continue to rely on "cholesterol of" levels for accurate diagnosis and prognosis. This is due in part to the fact that "cholesterol" is an excellent indicator of potential problems. A healthy amount cholesterol in your body is important for producing hormones, absorbing fat soluble vitamins, building nerve sheaths, maintaining cell membranes, etc.; however, too much can create serious health concerns. The good news is that if you have coronary artery disease or had a heart attack then you are already on the right track because there are typically no other major underlying causes…simply poor lifestyle choices (i.e., eating high-fat diets high cholesterol foods regularly, lack of exercise).So, what are 5 advantages of keeping your heart healthy]


1. When you can avoid serious illness you live longer – This may be common sense to most people but I'll repeat it because it matters as much as any of the following points. In general, those who take care of themselves will live longer than those who don't. Heart disease is no different from any other serious illness in that if you have it then being able to avoid a heart attack or stroke can easily increase your life expectancy by 10 years.


2. When your cholesterol levels are under control you reduce your risk for many other problems – Many people do not know this but there is a strong connection between various medical conditions, atherosclerosis (accumulation of plaque on the arterial walls), and coronary artery disease/heart attack/stroke. Among these problems are: Alzheimer's, arthritis, chronic renal failure, Crohn's Disease, depression/anxiety, diabetes type I & II, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), liver disease, osteoporosis…In other words, heart healthy living can improve the quality of your life.

3. When you have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease or had a heart attack then knowing how to help yourself is an excellent coping mechanism – The reason for this is that there are many emotions involved in such situations – anger being just one – and learning how to deal with them can be challenging. According the Best Cardiologist in Delhi it is important to feel your feelings as they happen otherwise you will experience delayed reactions months later when you least expect it. In other words, having a clear understanding of what may be going on inside yourself is essential to maintaining your emotional health.

4. When people are heart healthy, they live longer – This is especially true when you engage in activities that engage your mind and body; for example, take up a new hobby, learning how to cook healthy meals…something like this will not only keep you active but it can give you something fun to do with family members...or friends. The idea is anything that promotes proper blood flow (e.g., exercise) or reduces stress levels (e.g., getting enough sleep at night).

5. When you know what keeps your heart ticking then you can proactively work to maintain it – So just as the human machine needs fuel so does the heart; however, instead of gas or diesel we're talking about blood flow. In other words, the more oxygen and nutrients that get into the heart (and out to all your cells) then the better it will function.


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