What Things Consider Before Angiography?
The Angiography procedure is the most common treatment for coronary artery disease. It is a minimally invasive imaging technique that allows to visualize arteries in the body and determine whether there are any blockages. A thin tube made of flexible plastic, called catheter, is inserted into an artery close to the heart under local anesthesia. The images captured from there are extremely bright and clear. These images of coronary arteries function as a diagnostic tool, allowing doctors to assess the severity of disease and determine whether a patient needs a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft or not. Before going for an Angiography procedure, it is important to remember some things. We have compiled few points that one must consider before getting the Angiography procedure. Please go through them below. 1. Don't Eat or Drink anything for at least 8 hours prior to the test 2. Contraceptives may trigger an allergic reaction in some patients, don't take any contraceptive...